I am so happy for him!! I have said it before and will say it again they greeted him as he deserves!! I just saw both his concerts in Mexico and he was outstanding still an amazing performer and wished I could have seen more!! Thank you Latin America for Loving him as he should be!
36(+40 / -4)
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teleri3,586 ptsSaturday, October 19, 2019 0
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Wow!!! That's quite a mob greeting him :D So happy to see this! I wish I could have gone to see him in Mexico! Go Henecians :D
I am so happy for him!! I have said it before and will say it again they greeted him as he deserves!! I just saw both his concerts in Mexico and he was outstanding still an amazing performer and wished I could have seen more!! Thank you Latin America for Loving him as he should be!
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