DinDin's home shocked Super Junior's Heechul on 'My Little Old Boy'.
On the October 6th episode of the reality show, Heechul visited DinDin's home after he was invited over, but he expressed immediate shock after seeing where he lived after seeing the rapper's mess. DinDin told the Super Junior member that he was having a problem organizing his place and asked him for help, saying, "I have a problem. I have to move, but people can't come over to see the place. The realty company won't take pictures. I don't know how to clean the house myself. That's why I called over my cleanly hyung."
Heechul then opened up DinDin's refrigerator and expressed more shock over the sausage expired for over a year and other old food. Heechul commented, "Have you gone crazy?"

Eww? 😂