BTS Jimin trended #1 in Phillipines after his fans launched a drone show for his birthday.
Posted by parkhaneul101323,442 pts Friday, October 18, 2019
BTS Jimin trended #1 in Philippines after his fans from @bblue_min and @chimminne who previously shared their birthday event for BTS Jimin finally launced their event on October 18th. BTS Jimin is the first idol to have a drone show as birthday project.
This wonderful project consist of 50 drones where they light up the sky with different patterns specially design for BTS Jimin. They also included BTS Jimin's solo songs, 'Serendipity' and 'Promise' as their background music and special message during the show.
Upon launching, BTS Jimin immediately climbed to the top of Phillippines real time trend with keyword #GleamingLightsForJimin to marked the event and also used by fans around the world to expressed their love and to wish BTS Jimin 'happy birthday'.
Check out some of the photos and clips shared by BTS Jimin's fans
It was so beautiful to look at it through the video, I don't know how the ppl witnessed there would of felt like. Jimin is really lucky that this was his birthday present
I love Jimin ♥