Brand New Music's newest group Boys Da Capo reveals first teaser image for debut
Posted by sl278837 pts Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Brand New Music's highly anticipated boy group has not only announced their name, Boys Da Capo, but also a teaser image for the group's first special single album!
The members are definitely taking on fall vibes in this first teaser image, and fans can't wait to see more.
The Twitter announcement below reads as follows: "The boys are starting from the beginning, we never losing focus." Are you excited for Boys Da Capo's debut?
This better be Sihoon, Jeonghwan and the other guy from brand new who went to produce x. My first pick was Jeonghwan he sang well during the audition but knetz were distracted by Eunsang's visuals. I'm glad they didn't get into X1 5year slavery with the controversy surrounding it. Good job brand new for debuting them asap! But whats with the name?
2(+2 / -0)
woohyun_wifey454 ptsThursday, October 17, 2019 0
Thursday, October 17, 2019
yesss another boygroup from BNM to look forward too!! ^^
This better be Sihoon, Jeonghwan and the other guy from brand new who went to produce x. My first pick was Jeonghwan he sang well during the audition but knetz were distracted by Eunsang's visuals. I'm glad they didn't get into X1 5year slavery with the controversy surrounding it. Good job brand new for debuting them asap! But whats with the name?