TS Entertainment is defending their original statements about Sleepy.
Sleepy, the former artist from the label, recently took to Instagram to deny allegations byTS Entertainment that he has embezzled the company's funds. In denying those accusations, the rapper also claimed that the company has never given him a full statement of his profits, implying that he did not receive proper treatment and compensation.
As the artist and the company is currently in a legal battle, 'Star News' directly contacted TS Entertainment to publish an exclusive report on their stance. Following Sleepy's denial of the accusations, the department that is in charge of the company's profit distribution revealed several KakaoTalk chats that occurred between Sleepy and the company employee.
The chats are as follows:
July 12, 2018
Sleepy: Is there any way I can look at the profit statements today, even roughly
employee: It's almost finished. Could you come by tomorrow to see them?
Sleepy: I start [work] tomorrow in the morning and finish at night T_T
employee: Oh, then it will be ready by today in the afternoon~~
Sleepy: Oh, right before I finish work.
(time lapse of about 7 hrs)
employee: Profit statements are done, please come to our profit settlement meeting~
Sleepy: I'm gonna be done soon, I'm at Paju right now
employee: Okay
Sleepy: I be back around 6:30
employee: Okay
Sleepy: [Give me the] photo
July 16, 2018
Sleepy: Tell me the remaining balance of the company's credit card
Sleepy: Isn't there a remaining balance?
Sleepy: Is there a date for my profit payment deposit and loan payment?
employee: Currently, there is 5,834 won left but I'll refill it for you soon
(time lapse of about 4 minutes)
employee: 100,000 won has been added (to the company card)
Sleepy: ok
Sleepy: If it all goes well
Sleepy: I think the broadcast company will pay for my cut
Sleepy: My profits from Q2 of 2018
2018 July, contract renewal fee
loan money
July 16, 2018
[about 5 hrs later]
Sleepy: Did you ask about the deposit?
employee: Not yet. When s/he returns later, I will ask~
Sleepy: spq
Sleepy: Okay
(time lapse of about 1 hr and 20 minutes)
employee: We are planning to pay you the profit today.
employee: You should talk to the director about the loan money later
Sleepy: What does he say??
employee: When I brought up the loan money issue, they said they will talk to you later
employee: You're gonna receive the profit money from the Shinhan bank account, right?
employee: I just sent you a wire transfer.
Sleepy: Okay.
Sleepy: Thank you
Sleepy: Are you gonna pay for my maintenance fee and gas fee
employee: Yes, the company will take care of that for you later~~
Sleepy: By the 20th
employee: Yes.
Along with these statements, TS Entertainment added that Sleepy requested to see the profit statements earlier that year in April, around the time the company was organizing the funeral of their late CEO, Kim Tae Song. According to the company, Sleepy had "threatened" the team that he will "do everything by the law," when the rapper "wasn't given the answer he wanted."
Stay tuned for updates.
So they occasionally paid him small sums -but only when he reminded them. And he, on one occasion, got to look at a profit statement-again, only after he asked. That’s all those chats are proving.
Oh and they’re tattling that he “threatened” to “do everything by the law”? BY THE LAW. Meaning fair and just and within his legal rights. Lol. This company is so confused.
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