Taeyeon told a funny story about a language mistake Sunny made in China.
Taeyeon appeared on the September 27th broadcast of 'Begin Again'. While eating breakfast before heading out to busk with her members, she told a funny story about Sunny. She stated: "One of the Girls' Generation members went to China and once said Sunny desu." Singer Lee Juck instantly replied: "That member was Sunny right?" immediately eliciting laughter from all the members.
Taeyeon continued to say: "She was speaking very well in Chinese and then suddenly said that. We all stared at her. Thinking about it now gives me cold sweats. We were also promoting in Japan at that time. Sunny... Why did you do that?"
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This is understandable, I was learning Japanese at that time, but I was bingeing on watching korean drama, I answered my sensei in Mix Japanese and Korean.