It was revealed a few weeks ago a baby picture of Hollywood star, Keanu Reeves was revealed. Some noticed how awfully familiar his face looked...

After, some TROS fans found out it looked IDENTICAL to Gunhoo, a baby starring in the program TROS, who is the son of Park Jooho, a soccer player.
From his puffy cheeks, tall nose, and the iconic cold expression Gunhoo has, it looks so similar!!

You can clearly see the many similarities between their faces!!

The baby himself gazes in wonder how similar they both are.

Here is the clip where he reacts. His father showed them the picture, and asked who it is. His sister, Naeun, replied with no hesitation by saying "Gunhoo!" and Gunhoo grabbed the phone to see, and gazed at how similar they look!
Please comment below what you think!!
So does that mean we know how he will look in the future ? the similarities are amazing.