Newly surfaced video leads netizens to believe that a staff member violently pushed Seungyeon + CLC fans concerned
Posted by sl278837 pts Thursday, August 22, 2019
A recently surfaced video has led CLC fans to believe that Seungyeon was being physically abused by a staff member.
The video allegedly shows Seungyeon walking down the hall backstage at the '2019 Soribada Best K-Music Awards'. However, as she passes out of sight at 0:19, fans noticed a male staff member making sudden movements right after he met Seungyeon in the hall. However, Seungyeon is seen walking back down the hall after the incident appearing unshaken.
Fans are speculating all sorts of theories, but rumors are yet to be confirmed. Nevertheless, CLC fans are concerned and taking to social media to voice it.
Kirsty_Louise40,540 ptsThursday, August 22, 2019 5
Thursday, August 22, 2019
I don't blame fans for being worried, there has been times where it hasn't been out of context and managers have behaved wrongly. But it was hard here to tell exactly what happened, so I'm not going to jump to any conclusions. It may have been them two messing around, we can't be sure. Cube should look in to it, at least to stop fans worrying.
19(+24 / -5)
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Znewie711,954 ptsThursday, August 22, 2019 1
Thursday, August 22, 2019
I think its bei n taken out of context. Looks like he was being silly or something. Or talking to someone else. But still it would be good for cube to clear it up.
I don't blame fans for being worried, there has been times where it hasn't been out of context and managers have behaved wrongly. But it was hard here to tell exactly what happened, so I'm not going to jump to any conclusions. It may have been them two messing around, we can't be sure. Cube should look in to it, at least to stop fans worrying.
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