F.T. Island's Jaejin has been cast as a bright and positive-minded youth named Yoon Ki Chul in Korean musical 'I Was in Love'!
Jaejin will be joining the cast of the musical beginning in October, filling in for fellow F.T. Island member Hongki's unexpected vacancy due to his military enlistment summons. Previously, Hongki was cast in the role of Yoon Ki Chul for 'I Was in Love' before receiving his enlistment date. Hongki will perform as a part of the musical cast until September 29, enlisting the next day on September 30. Jaejin will fill in for Hongki's vacancy in the following shows.
Meanwhile, musical 'I Was in Love' is composed of hit songs by the late singer/song-writer Kim Hyun Shik, telling beautiful, but tragic love stories of youths.
Yes Jaejin !