Netizens claim voting results for 'Produce X 101' are rigged after seeing the numbers
Posted by sl278837 pts Friday, July 19, 2019
Seeing the final line up for the 'Produce 101' shows are definitely anxiety wracking and dramatic for many fans who are going to go extreme lengths to get their biases in the debut group. As always, the final line up was met with tears, joy, and outrage.
Many netizens are claiming that the voting results were rigged after taking a closer look at the numbers.
After looking at the differences between each place are exactly 29,978 votes and multiples of 7,494.5. Netizens believe that the only ways these numbers were possible are if the votes were rigged. Angry fans have been making their displeasure clear by commenting:
"LOL rigging by Excel spreadsheet."
"This group is ruined."
"Wow.. did Mnet rig the results again?"
"Are they crazy thinking we wouldn't notice?"
There is also tension and argument after the finale of any Produce show, but it seems like fans are especially angry after seeing these numbers. Some also believe that for the numbers, they think the ranking is the same but Mnet added votes to make it look like they were a lot more votes.
Jinhyuk went from 3rd place to 14th .... of course it was rigged, I'm so sick of mnet, many talented individuals lost their chance to debut because of this rigging
46(+50 / -4)
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arlomondaya30 ptsFriday, July 19, 2019 1
Friday, July 19, 2019
they really did the trainees dirty, not only in x101 but the whole produce series.
Jinhyuk went from 3rd place to 14th .... of course it was rigged, I'm so sick of mnet, many talented individuals lost their chance to debut because of this rigging
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