Junjin defended his fellow Shinhwa member Minwoo from sexual harassment allegations.
On July 3, Minwoo is currently suspected of sexually harassing two females, and his agency responded there was a misunderstanding as he had mistaken the alleged victim for someone else. During a V Live broadcast today, Junjin expressed, "I have something to say. There's news about Minwoo hyung going around. I hope that you trust in him until the end."
He continued, "When celebrities have get-togethers or meetings like this, various situations can arise. I hope that you believe him until the end. Please support him, and pray for him. Since you all definitely believe in us, please don't be disappointed. I think if you believe him, the misunderstanding will be resolved."

>I think if you believe him, the misunderstanding will be resolved.
It's funny how this sentence perfectly explains stan mentality: if you just believe hard enough, everything bad about oppar will become a lie...to you at least. I'm not sure if the power of belief has helped those 2 women, but I hope the hush money was good at least.
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