Jellyfish Entertainment trainee Kim Min Gyu is taking a break after his run on Mnet's 'Produce x 101'.
On July 22, Jellyfish Entertainment responded to questions about what's up next on Kim Min Gyu's schedule, stating, "After the show, Kim Min Gyu is currently resting. It hasn't been that long since the program has ended, so we're currently discussing his next activity. We plan to prepare, so he'll return with a good image."
Kim Min Gyu managed to make it to the finale of 'Produce x 101' on the 19th, but he did not make the top 11 contestants, who'll be debuting as the project group X1.
Stay tuned for updates.
you would need to be blind and unemphatic to not see he was tired mentally ,he was basically no sleeping and no eating to train and to the point that even the trainer where worried for him (and that speak a lot )...getting hate and clowned everywhere when he was doing what he could
good for jellyfish to make him rest a bit and then decided whats the next move , b6 ,keep training,doing acting gig or modelling etc....
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