So I accidentally might have did something super dumb..and I’m like actually crying rn.. a while ago there was this article and it was about BJ and JJY and the name Mark was mentioned and me forgetting how things work in kpop I said “ Is it just me or is the only Mark I know Mark from GOT7 not trying to spread any rumors or anything I know I’m super dumb for asking this. Could it possibly be him” I got a lot of reply’s that kindly told me not to jump to conclusions and involve someone in this that’s not involved so within an hour I searched up how to delete a comment and deleted it immediately..i didn’t know how big this got until I saw a Soompi article released saying Mark apologized and when I went to the comments it all said there was a rumor about him being involved in the JJY chat room ..I didn’t even know that my opinion could even hurt Got7 and Marks career because of such a stupid comment and I’m truly sorry..I just don’t know how to fix this when this could effect so much in the Kpopmap industry..i think I should take a break from back commenting my opinion for now on. Is there anything i could do to clear this up
I made a big mistake

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