On July 23, Han Seo Hee answered various questions from netizens via her Instagram Story.
Among various questions about Han Seo Hee's boyfriend, her ongoing lawsuit against malicious commenters, and more, one question asked, "I know it's prying but do you know when they'll start B.I's investigation? I really hope they uncover the truth TT."
Han Seo Hee answered to this, "I'm not sure either. I've already given consent to be summoned as a witness and all.."
Back in August of 2016, Han Seo Hee admitted to the police that she delivered the hallucinogenic drug LSD to B.I after the idol requested to purchase it from her source. However, a few days later, she overturned her statement, and B.I was ultimately not summoned for an official investigation.
After news of the above controversy shook the web, the Seoul police assigned the case to an investigative team for procession.

I'm so lost as to why Korean figureheads dote on this girl...
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