Actress Lee Si Young left a message encouraging the use of Korean-made sports products.
With the ongoing nationwide boycott against Japanese products, Lee Si Young posted her words of support for the campaign on Instagram. On July 25, the actress wrote, "I changed all my table tennis equipment to domestic products. I didn't know either, but the table tennis equipment I used were almost all made in Japan. To be honest, whether it's boxing, table tennis, badminton, or another sport, a lot of sports equipment we use in our country are Japanese products. A lot of people use them."
She continued, "But if you look, there are a lot of products made by our country too! I think you can start by changing the small things one by one. #fighting #love our country's products #it's not only things that are in the past that's part of history #even things in the present are part of history."

Is highly probable that she will find later that all those products are simply packaged in ROK or JPN but actually made in China.