Musical actor Kang Sung Wook has received a 5-year jail sentence for sexual assault.
On July 30, reports revealed Kang Sung Wook has been sentenced for sexually assaulting a woman in August of 2017 in Busan. According to reports, Kang Sung Wook, a male friend, and two women employed at a bar got together for a meal at a restaurant. Kang Sung Wook and his friend invited the two women to his friend's home by offering an additional service charge. Though one woman left early, the other woman was prevented from leaving by Kang Sung Wook and his friend, who assaulted her.
The victim filed a complaint against Kang Sung Wook, but he's said to have called her a "gold-digger," saying, "Who would believe a woman like you?" The Seoul Central District Court found the actor guilty, stating, "The victim's testimony is consistent, and she's never attempted to extort money from the defendant." Kang Sung Wook's side has filed for an appeal.
Kang Sung Wook is known for his roles in musicals like 'Phantom of the Opera', 'The Sorrows of Young Werther', 'Newsies', and 'Goddess is Watching'. He also received fame for featuring in the reality series 'Heart Signal' and the drama 'Marry Me Now'.
just 5 years of jail? seriously? He committed sexual assault, he should receive more than 30 years in jail, and should also seize his bank account and assets as economic reparation for the victims or victims. The Victim will have to live the rest of her life with that deep psychological trauma, while he will only be 5 years in jail and it is almost certain that when those 5 years pass he will sexually assault other women again, but this time he will be careful not to leave evidence,
that is more than certain, those sexual sick never change, The Justice is too benevolent with them.
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