Some of us grow up with Kpop....Some of us only just stepped into the Kpop world.
AKP started out 11yrs ago as a new blogs for Korea Pop culture for overseas fans. This blog has grown very rapidly and steadily gaining millions of readers over the 11yrs period. Many new fans each month get drawn to the Kpop culture through a artists or band they like or am curious about. Some are introduced through Kdramas they watched.
I remember it was year 2004, I was led into this Korean culture. A friend loan me a Kdrama DVD, Full House. Rain was the main lead and his character was a Arrogant, Spoilt Singer/celeb. I truly enjoyed the drama and started following Rain's work. It was his song, dance and his looks at attracted me.
Since then, I have collected afew other favourites like Psy, Big Bang, Super Junior, 2PM, ShinHwa, DC Dog, BTS.... I am not a huge fan of female bands only but the few female singers I do support are IU, BoA, Lee Hyori, Jung Eun-ji. I have started following Lisa of BlackPink too.
Do any of you remember who led you into the Kpop world? Share your stories in AKP.
Super Junior. Sorry sorry was ICONIC.
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