BlackPink isn't BlackPink without one of the members. For all of you who think BlackPink would be better off without Jennie, just keep your opinions to yourself because all you're doing is making other Blinks mad and just trying to get attention for saying those things.
All you want to do is trash talk Jennie. She is so sweet and you are making it seem like she is the worst person on this entire planet. You say they are just "your opinions" but you just need to stop and keep them to yourself. Also, if you are a fan of BP, you would appreciate all of the members, not talk trash about one because she has a few mistakes here and there.
No one in this world is perfect. So, what makes you think Jennie is going to remember all of these dance moves? You also say she has wardrobe mishaps. That isn't Jennie's fault. Comparing her to the other members is wrong. They are all different and beautiful in their own way. All you're doing is bringing her down. I hope you are happy if she ends up with depression because of something you said.
I don't hate Blackpink and I'm not a blink but I do have idols that I support. Everything you said is your opinion so its fine, but there is one thing that you said that I would have to disagree....
No one in this world is perfect. So, what makes you think Jennie is going to remember all of these dance moves? Being an idol of a popular group means that you should at least remember your own songs dance moves, if it was for a cover of another groups song then its understandable abit. This really just means she didn't practice enough. I'm not going to mention other idols names but there are groups out there that has 20-30 songs and they covered them well if not perfectly because they put tons of time, effort and practice. The amount of effort you put into practicing doesn't lie....
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