Last week, fans expressed their disappointment toward Super Junior's Yesung after he uploaded a post on his Instagram story, cheering on the return of member Kangin to activities.
Once he noticed fans' discomfort to his post, Yesung quickly apologized and deleted the original post; however, even after a week, it seems that some fans' anger has not died down.
In a lengthy post of apology shared on his Instagram on June 7, Yesung wrote:
"I think it was overly greedy of me to think that you all would understand me even though I did not explain myself. All of your precious feelings, which was the only source of strength for me in countless times where I faced loneliness and hardship while preparing myself.. It was the same during this most recent process. I think my careless actions left a scar on your precious hearts. I'm not sure that I can count each of your damaged hearts one by one, but I will try harder to do so. Of course the numerous scars which have become built up over countless disappointments will hurt. The fact that I did not take into consideration such feelings, I want to once again apologize sincerely for that."
can they move on?? seriously leave him alone
if they have a problem with kangin direct it to kangin not to his friend
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