Rapper Kim Ha On revealed that he is working towards getting muscle gains.
Kim Ha On skyrocketed to popular after winning 'High School Rapper Season 2' with his wholesome and genuine raps. He is currently signed to H1GHER MUSIC recently appeared on the June 17 broadcast of 'Raise the Volume with Akdong Musician's Suhyun.'
A listener called in asking what to do when they had no chili pepper paste to mix in with their noodles. Ha On recommended that the listener use soy sauce and sugar instead while saying he really wanted to eat some. The rapper is currently on a bulking diet and cutting carbohydrates.
The rapper continued to give friendly and wholesome advice to his viewers, further cementing his good personality and image with the general public.

first, it’s haru wearing infinity gauntlet and now, a rapper trying to bulk up? what’s going on in AKP?