In light of the first appeal hearing between LM Entertainment and his legal representative on June 26, Wanna One's Kang Daniel also relayed his thoughts regarding his ongoing hiatus through a personal statement.
Kang Daniel shared, "After promoting so actively for such a long time, the past 5 months where everything just stopped was an incredibly difficult time for someone like me, who still has many dreams and aspirations. However, thanks to my fans, family members, and friends who were always beside me, suffering together with me and cheering me on, I was able to gain strength. Even if it may not be easy, I've come all this way so that I can walk down the right path. I want to continue walking down the right path from now on with my fans. I will not forget about my fans, who waited for me for so long. I want to greet them as soon as possible at the place and the stage where the fans are hoping to see me."
He continued, "Once again, I want to sincerely thank the court for allowing a young, 24-year old to continue chasing after my dreams due to their decision. I will work harder with pride in myself as an artist of South Korea, so that I can spread the greatness of this nation widely."
Knowing exactly what he wants and fighting on his own in his stance against a condescending label at this young age, it’s definitely no easy feat. He’ll go far in his career when he’s back on the stage from hiatus. All the best to him!