It's really nice to hear that Blackpink helped you through a dark time and you became a big fan🤗. However you shouldn'make it too personal. With that I mean this line: 'Because when you hate them, I get affected. It's painful for me seeing them getting bashed'. The more popular they get the more hate they will get too. So I hope you don't take it too personal otherwise you going to be affected your whole life.
12(+19 / -7)
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Rachel201750 ptsTuesday, June 18, 2019 0
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
As a Blink , I would say K-Pop saved your life . And BLΛƆKPIИK was the medium of it . You were lucky bro/sis.
It's really nice to hear that Blackpink helped you through a dark time and you became a big fan🤗. However you shouldn'make it too personal. With that I mean this line: 'Because when you hate them, I get affected. It's painful for me seeing them getting bashed'. The more popular they get the more hate they will get too. So I hope you don't take it too personal otherwise you going to be affected your whole life.
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