On June 24th, Go Jun Hee’s legal representative Uhm Tae Sup revealed to Ilgan Sports that they are in the process of tracking down 16 more netizens who spread malicious rumors about Go Jun Hee. She has no intention to exercise any leniency.
He stated, “We’ve exposed all 12 malicious commenters who created groundless rumors about Go Jun Hee last month. Currently, the cases have been transferred to the relevant jurisdictions and are being investigated. One person is suspended from indictment as an overseas resident.” He added, “For the second round, we are tracking 16 IDs. Likewise, we will continue to take legal action as soon as they are identified.”
On March 23rd, a report came out that Seungri, Jung Joon Young, and Jonghun tried to invite an actress to a meeting of investors. After this report, rumors circulated that the mentioned actress was Go Jun Hee. These rumors were untrue, but spread like wildfire causing her to be dropped from her drama. Malicious netizens then spread even more rumors saying that Go Jun Hee dropped out of the drama herself because the rumors were true. The resulting psychological trauma and financial losses led her to make the decision to pursue legal action against these netizens.
Good for her, as she should. With the malicious rumors, it doesn't take very much time to ruin the career that someone takes a long time to build. People should be more aware of the weight of their words.
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