"Hello, this is Berry Good's Day.
Firstly, I've been searching several times each day for every malicious comment, article, reply, and post on Nate Pann written by those claiming to be a victim. I read through them and thought about them a lot.
Above all, many people have been hurt by this, including my family, friends, and those around me. It even made me wonder if I was a perpetrator worthy of evoking such serious criticism. So because of my various thoughts, I wasn't able to do anything or say anything.
I am writing this to quickly acknowledge what is true and to correct what is unfair and false.
In regards to the first person who claims to be a victim, I have never committed violence towards them, and I have never even joked with them to the point that they might feel sexual shame as they said.
It's true that in 6th grade, the person who claims to be a victim and I had an argument over something small. As I was angry about that, I went to their home to try to come to an agreement about the incident, and I received an apology.
We even reconciled about this while we were in elementary school. Also, I didn't one-sidedly approach her and torment her. There was a clear situation. Because of our conflict, we got into a verbal argument over something trivial. After this was resolved, I never one-sidedly tormented or was violent towards the person claiming to be a victim.
In a few posts, there are people saying I transferred schools a lot, and the reason was that I was forced to transfer or to clear my image. However, I can say my student record is clean.
I frequently changed schools because we moved or because of my father's job since the time I was in kindergarten. In high school, I transferred due to situations related to my life as a trainee like dorms and training.
The claims of the poster are on the level there would have had to have been a meeting held about school violence. The part that raises doubt is why they didn't come find me before to request an apology if they were so angry with me for 10 years as they wrote in their post. I feel what they truly want to achieve by criticizing me with others with this post is not an apology for the pain they experienced, but to negatively affect my activities and bring me pain.
They wrote the post anonymously and hid their personal information, so I haven't been able to make any apologies or ask any questions. If they really want an apology and want to straighten things out they remember from elementary school, I respectfully request they at anytime send me a message and personally reveal their identity.
People have even gone to the personal social media accounts of people who wrote posts explaining for me or protecting me. They've uploaded screen captures and written 'Even the friends of Kim Hyun Jung are low class' and revealed their names, faces, and identities. I think the act of uploading this and adding false information in posts based on one-sided memories, claiming they're the truth, is undeniably a crime.
In regards to the second person who wrote an additional post claiming to be a victim, this is something I have a clear memory of.
To explain, my friend's younger sibling was bullied severely by the person claiming to be a victim. They were violent and filmed offensive videos and threatened them by saying they would erase them in exchange for money. Their money was taken several times. The things the writer claimed in their post to have been a victim of are the exact things they did themselves.
In that situation, my close friends could not stand seeing their friend suffering so much, so they went to retaliate in the same way to help their friend.
I wasn't there when the violence happened, and I remember there was a report filed about the incident so a committee on school violence was held. At the time, the people who committed violence each admitted to their mistakes and received strict punishments and disciplinary action, and the situation was wrapped up.
I don't even know the face of the person who wrote this as I wasn't there at the time, and my school record is also clean. Because of this post by someone who claims to be a one-sided victim, people around me who are working hard in their lives have had their identities exposed and family members are being hurt.
I will take strong legal action against posts written with the intent to cause harm rather than hoping for a sincere apology by publicizing these things that haven't been confirmed as true. As for the people who are claiming to be victims, I said this above, but I respectfully request you share your contact information and personal information through a private message. Through a conversation, I will quickly acknowledge and apologize for what needs to be apologized for. I express my apologies to the many people who were hurt because of this, including my family, colleagues, company staff, and members. I also apologize for evoking criticism and causing concern.
I hope there will be no further harm done through such use of societal pressure and a lack of going through legal procedures. As I said above, if there is further damage, I plan to respond strongly through legal action."
Daye is out here providing details and receipts! I respect that! THIS is how you address a baseless accusation.