In an interview with Star Daily News, Super Junior's Kyuhyun explained why he rejected the offer to go back to MBC's 'Radio Star.'
Kyuhyun said, "'Radio Star' is a program I'm grateful for that built a strong foundation in my celebrity career and made me known to the public but it was a position that I struggled to handle."
He continued, "'Radio Star' is a show that throws out tricky questions so I also did that without much thought but then I realized the number of anti-fans increased drastically. I even cried to sleep while looking at the unbelievable increase in antis. I'm also a part of an idol group so it was hard accepting criticism from other fandoms."
Kyuhyun said, "There's a certain role I need to play on 'Radio Star' but it was hard to accept. That became stressful to me, and made me wonder, 'Can I continue this program?' I personally contacted Kim Gu Ra hyung and Kim Guk Jin hyung and explained my situation. I do plan to appear on 'Radio Star' (as a guest) sometime in the future though."
He's a sweet caring guy with a fragile heart. Those toxic minds should just stop picking on, bullying and dislike for the sake of dislike on him, he owes them nothing, it's only a show for viewership. These antis should put themselves in his shoes to feel what's it like coz constant bullying or ganging up to victimize someone could lead to detrimental consequences like him/her having depression or suicidal thoughts or suicides. There are already countless cases everywhere. Stop It.
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