It seems that TWICE's Sana made herself at home at a recent fansign.
On May 4, TWICE held a fansign for their latest album 'Fancy You'. Although Sana was seen shedding tears on her way to 'Music Bank' earlier that day, fans were glad to see Sana looking more comfortable and relaxed at a follow-up fansign.
At the fansign event, Sana comfortably lied down on top of Chaeyoung and Jihyo's laps and even took off her shoes.

With Sana looking relaxed, netizens commented:
"Is that today? It's a relief because it looks like she spent a relaxing time with her fans"
"Why is she barefoot? LOOOL" - "Sana really doesn't like shoes LOOOOOL" - "Because they are uncomfortable? That's so cute T____T"
"It's a relief to see that she feel more at ease... it seemed like she got a lot of hate because of the Korea-Japan relations T__T"
"I'm happy that she's happy"

In other news, TWICE will soon release their new light stick for ONCE, a Candybong Z!
She seemed really relaxed. I'm so happy for her that she's happy again, it was heartbreaking to see her crying!!