Highlight Yoseob's mandatory service is getting interfered by fans.
On May 12, Around US Entertainment posted the notice regarding Yoseob on their official website. The agency informed the idol, who's currently serving as a conscripted police officer, has fallen into a problematic situation due to several fans' "excessive attention."
The agency stated, "Coincidentally running into Yoseob in the streets while he's on duty and sharing photos and more on SNS about it are not an issue, but fans have been visiting and following him during his service due to the SNS posts. Not only is Yoseob having trouble carrying out his duty properly because of it but it's also causing a displeasing situation to his peers. We appreciate the unchanging love and support and understand the fans who miss him dearly but there are rules that need to be followed in the special environment. Please control the excessive attention for the wellbeing of Yoseob's military life."
Back on January 24, the vocalist of Highlight started his mandatory service.

its sad they even have to ask, as a fellow light , id say just arrest those creeps , they are stalkers at that point, and STALKING is illegal they should be arrested for that kind of creepy behavior
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