
Wheesung personally speaks up on Amy's drug use allegations + shares phone call recording

Posted by Germaine-Jay Friday, April 19, 2019

In the face of rumors that he was the celebrity involved in Amy's past drug use, Wheesung has personally released a statement and a phone call he had with Amy to clear his name.

On April 19, Wheesung posted to Instagram:

"This is Wheesung.
I received a phone call from Amy on the night of April 17, and I recorded the following with Amy's permission.

I thought a lot about whether I should release it. From the very beginning, and even now, I believe it's possible Amy was also a victim in this case. I hesitated for a long time about whether I should release this recording. However, I thought it was better to release it so fans can learn the truth behind the suspicions that have been thrown over my name.

Amy has clearly stated her intention to make an official apology. However, I was uneasy that without any evidence of trying to confirm the truth, an apology out of emotion would only worsen the controversy. That is why I asked Amy to remove the post on Instagram first and to tell the truth to reporters in interviews.

Amy has accepted these requests. To add, I've asked her not to take any more rash actions from now on.

Out of necessity, the recording has been edited to remove what's not related to the case. I feel like I've lost everything already. Still, Amy's apology should be considered her own personal choice. If she does apologize, I hope that it's sincere.

1) The reason I was late to respond to the issue

Amy did not use any names, and it wasn't possible for me to intervene when I wasn't strongly identified. Our statement about the facts and proof behind our denial had already been prepared by the time the situation made headlines.

2) Legal response

As a small business that depends on the business of singer Wheesung, it's obvious we would be an easy target. We're preparing lawsuits against malicious comments who've started personal attacks and spread false information to the point of requiring legal force. We intend to pursue strong punishment.

3) Cancellation of concerts 

I did not choose to bring up this incident again after everything was settled, but I see it would be difficult to hold a concert at this time and agreed to cancel the joint concert featuring me and K.Will. I'm regretful about this. After everything has been settled, we plan to consult with the concert production company to put on an even better concert. In any case, I'm deeply apologetic to my friend K.Will, Spring Entertainment, and Starship Entertainment for being tied to this case.

4) What's essential

It's possible for everyone in this case to have been victims. When this case was picked up my media and spread so quickly, it became possible for anyone to be a victim. Rather than understand the situation, I ask that we not get carried out by our emotions but be objective, so we can find the whole truth."

Wheesung's agency Realslow Company also released a video of the singer's phone call with Amy, which he recorded with her permission. The video states the recording took place on April 10 at 10PM KST after Wheesung denied the allegations of his connection to her drug use, and she contacted him. Amy states it took her courage to make the phone call to him, and in a deleted portion of the conversation, Amy and Wheesung discuss the acquaintances who may have told her he suggested blackmail with a sex tape of her. The agency further states Wheesung already knew the identity of the acquaintance, who they both refer to as X, because the same allegations involving the acquaintance were made in 2013. 

X also has a phone with a distorted voice as he attempted to keep his identity a secret. Wheesung states, "I had no reason to say those things, and no reason to even want to do it... First it was death threats, then it was sexual assault. It's always changing. Anyway, is it Amy who's saying this or did you tell this to her? Because she says it was you." X then denies his involvement, saying, "There's no way you would have said those things. You and Amy were really close. When I said negative things about her, you got angry, and we even fought about it."

Realslow Company then states Wheesung has been speculated as the one involved due to a misunderstanding between Amy and X. Wheesung also states, "I recorded the conversation with him. What am I supposed to do now? How am I going to live now? What am I going to do?" Amy responds, "Listening to you today, I felt like trash. I was wrong." Wheesung then says, "Even if you apologize, I won't believe anyone anymore. My concert was canceled, and my contracts have been thrown out. What am I going to do about my living? Do you think I can even sing now?"

Amy apologized, saying, "Forgive me. I'll take it all back. Even if people swear at me, I will."

The video continues to state Amy removed her Instagram post, and it's not true Wheesung made any threats. The issue arose because Amy misheard a third party and assumed Wheesung was behind it. The label stated, "We intend to take strong legal action to prevent these rumors from spreading. If Amy's one-sided claim that she has a recording is true, we ask her to make it public. We assume Amy is feeling very confused about the case. However, it's no longer possible for us to let these stories spread any longer. We ask her to clear up the allegations quickly. Once again, we state that 6 years ago, Wheesung was found not guilty on the suspicion of using propofol after an investigation. The allegations of conspiring to commit sexual assault are completely untrue. Once again, we repeat this recording was made after Amy called Wheesung first."

Realslow Company concluded Wheesung was in a state of severe shock, and he's now facing lawsuits due to breach of contract. "Because of one unconfirmed social media post, one person's life and living have become unstable. Who will take responsibility for all of this damage? We ask that people stop witch hunts based on groundless rumors before there's another victim." 

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https://youtu.be/PDCsOdzq-Vg 휘성입니다. 4월 17일 밤 에이미씨에게 연락이 왔고, 통화 녹음본 공개는 에이미씨와 합의 하에 진행되었음을 말씀드립니다. 그러나 공개를 결심하기까지 고민이 정말 많았습니다. 에이미씨 역시 피해자일 수도 있다는 생각은 처음부터 지금까지 변함이 없기에, 공개하는 것에 대해 수도 없이 망설였습니다.하지만 저를 둘러싼 의혹 해소 및 사실관계에 대한 팬 여러분들의 객관적 인지를 위해서는 녹취록을 공개하는 것이 불가피하다는 판단을 했습니다. 에이미씨는 저에게 언론 매체를 통해 공식적으로 사과하겠다는 의사를 명확히 밝혔습니다. 하지만 저는 사실관계에 관한 확인 없이, 감정만 앞선 성급한 내용으로 사과문이 만들어져 논란이 될 것을 염려했습니다. 그래서 먼저 에이미씨에게SNS의 허위 사실 게시물을 내려달라고 했고, 본인을 인터뷰했던 기자분께 사실을 전달해달라고 했습니다. 에이미씨는 이를 받아들였으며, 추가적으로 저는 성급한 행동을 자제해달라고 부탁했습니다. 이 녹취록에서 현재 쟁점이 되는 내용과 관계가 없는 부분들은 부득이하게 편집하였습니다. 이미 거의 모든 것을 잃었다고 느껴집니다. 그럼에도 이후 에이미씨의 사과는 당사자의 자유라는 생각입니다. 다만 사과를 한다면, 진심이 담긴 내용이기를 바랄 뿐입니다. 1. 대응이 늦을 수밖에 없었던 이유 에이미씨가 실명을 거론하지 않았고, 심신이 미약해 보이는 정황이 있는 상황에 제가 섣불리 나설 수 없었습니다. 사실에 근거한 입장문은 이미 사건 발생 당일 작성이 끝난 상태였고, 반박 증거 자료 역시 제출 준비가 되어 있었습니다. 2. 법적 대응에 대한 부분 아직까지는 가수 휘성만으로 매출을 기대하고 있는 소규모 법인 기업으로서 치명적인 타격이 아닐 수 없는바, 이미 법적 효력을 발생시킬 수 있는 허위사실 유포 및 인신공격을 한 언론과 악플러들에 대한 고소장이 작성되고 있습니다. 이 부분 만큼은 총력을 기울여 강력처벌로 이어지게 될 것을 미리 말씀드립니다. 3. 합동 콘서트 취소 모든 법적 조치가 끝나 정리가 된 일을 다시 쟁점화한 것은 제가 아니지만, 현재 상황에서 원만한 공연이 이루어지기 어렵다는 모두의 입장을 받아들여 ,케이윌 휘성의 합동콘서트를 취소하기로 합의하였습니다. 현재 이 부분이 가장 아쉽습니다. 이 모든사태가 정리가 되고 나서 훨씬 완성도 높은 브로맨쇼를 개최할 수 있도록 공연기획사측과 협의할 계획입니다. 이찌되었든 제가 끼어있는 상황때문에 피해를 입은 스프링엔터테인먼트와 스타쉽엔터테인먼트 친구 케이윌군에게 깊이 사과의 말씀 올립니다 4. 놓치지 말아야 할 본질 이 사건에 등장하는 주요인물 모두가 피해자일 수도 있습니다. 이 사건이 언론을 통해 불 난 듯이 번졌을 때, 어느 누군가에게는 실질적 피해가 이루어질 수 있습니다. 상황을 이해하기보다는 감정에 치우치는 시선이 아닌, 중립적인 입장에서 온전한 사실만을 바라봐 주시길 간곡히 바랍니다. 현 상황이 조속히 마무리되길 바라며 저를 응원해오셨던 분들께 심려끼쳐드린점 죄송합니다. *****합동콘서트 관련해서 정정사항이 있으니 다시 읽어주시길 바랍니다 이부분만큼은 제 오해로 인하여 잘못된 사실을 적었습니다 현재 기재된 사실이 맞습니다

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  1. Wheesung
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mastylee273 pts Friday, April 19, 2019 1
Friday, April 19, 2019

Media and netizens u are proud of that? :) now u can apologies so hard like u are doing right now, but u destroy a men with 0 evidence. Are u going now to pay the bills of wheesung small company (10 employees)? are u going to refund his pay from wheesung&k.will concert? are u going to repair all the bad things u spread about him? fucking stupids no brainers.

30 (+34 / -4)

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Ohboy6918,924 pts Friday, April 19, 2019 5
Friday, April 19, 2019

Some of you assume he can pressure Amy, who is in the US, into dropping the case. With what power?

Why Amy still didn't publish the audio she supposedly has? Does it even exist?

19 (+19 / -0)

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