On April 25 Park Yoochun‘s lawyer stated that while drug tests came out positive, Park Yoochun still stand by his statement denying drug use.
"We cannot deny the test results of the National Forensic Service. Park Yoochun’s position that he did not do drugs is unchanged…we are looking into how Philopon entered his system and was detected through the National Forensic Service test (when he didn’t do the drugs)."
ㅡ Park Yoochun’s laywer
One police officer responded that Park Yoochun’s statement makes no sense.
"The statement is essentially the same as the statement by singer A, who got into a 3-car rear-end collision driving under the influence in 2005 and stated ‘I drove after drinking but I didn’t drive under the influence of alcohol."
ㅡ Police officer
Another police affiliate explained his opinion, stating that it seems likely that Park Yoochun is lying.
"If he continues to deny using drugs, it may seem less convincing so I think he is denying his charges more strongly by having his lawyer make such a statement. There was no statement by Park about ‘how Philopon got into his system’ during the investigation process, so this can only be seen as Park’s lie."
ㅡ Police affiliate
The police added that Park Yoochun was the first person to deny charges after receiving a positive drug test from the National Forensic Service.
Meanwhile, Park Yoochun is currently participating in an investigation that will determine whether or not his arrest warrant will be issued.
Source: Naver

It wouldn't be the first time that Park Yoochun denies the evidence against him to be true. In 2016 the police was able to find evidence, DNA and restored text messages, that showed Park Yoochun had bought sex from one of the accusers, but failed to pay.
Thus, the police sent their recommendation of indictment to the prosecution with charges of solicitation of prostitution and fraud for Park Yoochun. Likewise, the woman (who was sent to prison for blackmail) was recommended for prostitution charges.
At the time Park Yoochun also denied the evidence through his agency;
“We cannot acknowledge the police’s recommendation of indictment for charges of solicitation of prosititution as it is completely different from the truth. We once again clearly state that there is no truth to Park Yoochun soliciting prostitution. We will cooperate with the prosecution’s investigation so that his innocence will be proven.”
ㅡ C-JeS Entertainment
Source: Soompi
The police officer is so fucking sassy, I love it. In all seriousness, I understand that his lawyer wants to see if there is any possible believable scenario he could imagine as his client's defense strategy, but I don't think it'll be too long till Yoochun admits to doing meth. Over 7 years of prison time is terrifying, he'll want to take a deal.
About his previous legal issues, in some countries defrauding a prostitute can be argued in court as rape, since the woman consented to sex under the condition that she will be paid for it, so Yoochun not meeting that condition would nullify her consent, meaning that he had raped her.
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