It's funny how Guinness world record didn't announce it when BP broke the record one week before BTS. Almost like they knew that BTS is coming next week and the record's gonna be broken again!
No shade against BP, just an observation. Apologies if I have I hurt the feelings of any blinks!
20(+23 / -3)
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adnirvs5,963 ptsThursday, April 18, 2019 1
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Legends only! Congrats BTS & Armys! We are a force to reckon with!
It's funny how Guinness world record didn't announce it when BP broke the record one week before BTS. Almost like they knew that BTS is coming next week and the record's gonna be broken again!
No shade against BP, just an observation. Apologies if I have I hurt the feelings of any blinks!
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