SBS' 'The Its Know' episode on Seungri's Burning Sun controversy has been removed from streaming services.
As of March 25, Seungri's episode of 'The Its Know' which aired on the 23rd is unavailable on the official SBS website and other streaming services.
Regarding the unavailability, the producers commented, "The Burning Sun episode will be reuploaded after we strengthen the blur and sound effects which were lacking," and also added, "The halt in VOD service has no relation to Ji Chang Wook."
Meanwhile, netizens commented, "Why?" "Who halted the service?" "There must've been pressure," "They're trying to cover up," "Now it's confirmed authorities of higher positions are also involved in the issue."

That report was pure libel and gossip and false conclusions and I hope seungri or the Lims sue the shit out of them for airing it... celebrity or not no one needs their Private messages manipulated and aired on national tv .. justice could have been served without airing all this manipulated conversations.. if they really want “to know “they should have waited and verified before airing all that bullshit just so seungri haters can give them ratings.