DISCLAIMER: I am not saying what he did was right! I understand that what he did was wrong, I am not supporting his bad behavior. I am saying this as a true fan. If you are a "true fan that will love and support through the hardships in life", then why aren't you supporting him now?He does deserve to be punished, I am not supporting the actions that went down at the club.
I understand why everyone is upset with Seungri and everyone involved. Trust me, I am too. But I see people giving them hate and it isn't right. I'm sure EVERYONE has seen what some of the American celebrities that we love has done. From drug smuggling to even sex tapes being found, but we still find it in our hearts to forgive them and still support them. So please forgive them, they are human too. We all make mistakes, and while the artist is stressed out about the incident, seeing hate comments about them just make them feel worse. If you were a celebrity and did something like this, you wouldn't like it if this was happening to you, so don't do it to them.
EDIT: Please don't give me hate. This is my opinion, if you don't like it, then don't give me hate. I am only saying what I think of the issue. I will be reporting anyone that gives me hate for my own opinion. If I don't give hate on you, don't do it to me.
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