Article: Seungri claimed to have tried to stop Jung Jun Young... but he actually "ㅋㅋㅋㅋ" laughed after sharing an illicit picture
Source: Mydaily via Nate
Seungri: [illegally taken nude picture of women]
Kim00: Now?
Choi Jonghoon: Seungri-ya, what is that
Seungri: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
During investigations, Seungri confirmed that he shared the picture but did not take it himself.
Seungri in interview on 22nd: "I tried to stop him by telling him, 'Don't do that stuff, you're going to get in huge trouble'"
1. [+600, -19] Wow, eat jail food for the rest of your life
2. [+505, -5] His lies have so much soul. He just lies automatically. He should be sent to where radioactive waste is discarded. There's no saving this guy.
3. [+357, -8] Seungri-ya ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ how are you going to clarify this now? This is hilarious ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It just keeps coming.
4. [+21, -7] Lies every time he opens his mouth.. not one thing he learned well. I guess the only thing his brain is capable of producing is a lie.
5. [+9, -1] Seungri said he tried to stop him, he never said he didn't do it himself too
6. [+9, -4] This guy's a psycho
7. [+9, -5] Worst trash in history
8. [+6, -0] Every thing he said is a lie
9. [+6, -1] Even his breathing is a lie ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I don't like Big Bang but I hate him the worst
10. [+5, -0] With all the lies he's been saying, I doubt he can keep up with them anymore
The fact that there are people who are still defending him and others involved in this is just absolutely insane.
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