Kim Hyung Jun's accuser has made headlines for her past social media posts.
As previously reported, the woman has filed a suit against Kim Hyung Jun for sexually assaulting her in her home in May of 2010 after a night of drinking, and the SS501 member has denied the allegations, stating it was consensual. The plaintiff's social media posts on Twitter have now raised questions about her motivation for filing the charges.
She wrote on Twitter, "You and I are the same Kim Hyung Jun. You leaving me was a mistake, and it was a sin for you to make me into a [expletive] crazy [expletive]," "The 25th. I've formally filed my suit," and "That description I don't even want to say... Why do you have to express it like that...? Without even really knowing anything about me... Kim Hyung Jun is releasing poorly thought statements."
Police will be investigating Kim Hyung Jun when he returns from a concert overseas, and he's also announced his intention to counter-sue for defamation of character.
Stay tuned for updates.
Kim Hyung Jun's accuser makes headlines for social media posts
Saturday, March 30, 2019
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68% Upvoted
Ok. Now if you were gonna file a lawsuit, at least you should've had made sure your sns history is clean. These tweets, especially the first one, make her look like she only wants revenge cause he left her. Sorry but she has lost her credibility in my eyes.
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