
Ailee's YMC Entertainment contract expires; to stay with agency through summer album promotions

Posted by Dani-Dee Monday, March 25, 2019

Ailee's exclusive contract with agency YMC Entertainment has officially expired. However, despite her free agent status, she will remain with the agency through the promotions of her new album this summer.

According to the Korean press reports from late February, Ailee was heavily considering her next move as her YMC Entertainment contract was nearing its close.

Since these reports, it was announced that Ailee would be releasing a full-length album sometime between the end of June and early July. She is currently working with YMC Entertainment on the album, and when the album and its promotions are complete, she plans to leave the agency.

On March 23, the singer revealed her album plans and alluded to a change of direction, stating: "I'm [...] committing myself to finally expand my work internationally, so that I may be able to meet my overseas fans, as well as my Korean fans, more often in the near future! I will share more details about this once everything is discussed and confirmed after my album is finished."

Meanwhile, Ailee debuted back in 2012 with the song "Heaven," quickly rising to eventually become one of Korea's leading female vocalists.

Check out Ailee's Instagram post below, and stay tuned for more news about her future activities!

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여러분 안녕하세요 에일리입니다. 모두 잘 지내시죠?? 제가 데뷔한지도 벌써 7년이라는 시간이 흘렀네요... 저는 여러분들이 주시는 큰 사랑에 보답하기 위해 올 해 6월 말에서 7월 초 쯤에 예정되어있고 현재 마무리 작업단계에 있는 제 정규앨범 발매를 위해 모든 것을 집중하고 있어요! 가수 에일리의 한층 성장된 모습을 보여드리기 위해 한국과 해외활동 확장에 비중을 두고 신중하게 의논하고 진행중이에요~ 앨범작업이 마무리 되는대로 앞으로 저의 계획을 더 자세하게 말씀드릴수 있을것 같아요. 항상 저를 사랑해주시고 응원해주시는 팬 여러분들을 위해 열심히하고 최선을 다 하는 에일리가 될수있도록 노력하고 있습니다.. 그동안 기다려 주시느라 너무 힘들었죠? 저도 너무 보고싶고 미안하고 여러분들을 더 빨리 찾아뵙지 못해서 너무 힘들었어요.. ㅠ 그 기다림에 보답할 수 있도록 멋진 앨범과 활발한 활동으로 여러분들을 찾아뵐게요! 여러분 사랑하고 감사하고 또 감사합니다! Hello world. How have you guys been? Thank you for all the love you have shown me for the past 7 years.. To return the love and patience you have shown me throughout all those beautiful years, I’m currently pouring all my energy and focus into the final stages of preparing for my album release this summer! I’m also committing myself to finally expand my work internationally so that I maybe able to meet my overseas fans as well as my Korean fans more often in the near future! I will share more details about this once everything is discussed and confirmed after my album is finished. I know you guys have been waiting for a long time.. and I’m truly grateful for all your patience and commitment.. but also very sorry as well.. I miss you guys just as much or even more than you miss me!! The only thing I can do to give back all that love you have shown me is to share my music with you.. I’m constantly trying to grow as an artist to bring you guys the best album for you to listen to! SO! Prepare yourselves for this summer cuz this album is FIRE! I love you always and THANK YOU FOR YOU PATIENCE!! xoxo -Ailee

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  1. Ailee
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Pookiewoo44 pts Monday, March 25, 2019 5
Monday, March 25, 2019

Hope she signs with PNation

20 (+20 / -0)

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godagoda246 pts Monday, March 25, 2019 4
Monday, March 25, 2019

So many artist are changing companies these days. Everybody believes the grass is greener on the other side.

11 (+13 / -2)

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