
Seungri apologizes and gives thorough explanation regarding 'Burning Sun' controversy

Posted by Janie-Reign Saturday, February 2, 2019

Big Bang's Seungri has issued a personal letter addressingthe 'Burning Sun' controversy.

On February 2nd, Seungri took to Instagram to upload an apology letter, in which he also expanded on his position regarding the incident.

He wrote, "First of all, I sincerely apologize to everyone who has been involved in or taken offense from the recent controversy. Due to the controversy, the last few days felt like an intolerable nightmare to me, so much that I did not know where to begin.

I am sorry that this official explanation and apology is overdue. Surrounding acquaintances have discouraged me from apologizing right away, lest the uncertain details that have already snowballed create even bigger misunderstandings.

During this controversial incident, I was not part of the scene and was only told by a staff member a few days later that there had been an assault case involving two parties, between a staff and a customer, and that the police were investigating into it. Since the nature of the business (club) tends to see many arguments between parties on the regular, I only wanted this incident to smoothly pass us by without a particular problem.

However, when I first saw the footage of the situation through media outlets, I was completely shocked. No violence should be tolerated, under any circumstances, and I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely apologize to the victims who have been hurt from the incident.

I first began to become involved with clubs when Big Bang activities were on pause and I began to do my own solo promotions. When I wasn't promoting as a solo, I wanted to use that time to invest in a space where I could play any music I want and try a bit of DJ-ing, an activity that I have always wanted to do. It all started from such a simple intention.

Just in time, a good opportunity came up to take the position of an executive director at a club where I was promoting, and I took on the external role of getting the word of the club out as a celebrity. The actual club-running, the business management and the operation, was not my role, and I had not involved myself in it from the start, which went onto show that I had forsook responsibilities from the very beginning. I sincerely apologize

A case which was only an assault issue at first is now spreading through media these days with reports involving drug use. Regarding this issue, I have never seen nor heard of such talks, so if I must be questioned during investigations, then I will actively participate in the inquiries and hope that anyone who has committed a crime get their rightful punishment. If I must take on the responsibility as an executive director at that time, I will also do so.

Once again, through this incident, I looked back on the responsibilities and the attitude that a famous figure must carry. I am sorry to all those that I have caused worries and will try my best to show a more mature and considerate side in the future."

Check out Seungri's original Instagram post below. In related new, his sister and father have both publicized their opinions on Seungri's stance surrounding the incident.

View this post on Instagram

안녕하세요. 승리입니다. 먼저 저와 관계된 최근 사건과 논란으로 불쾌하셨거나 걱정을 끼쳐드린 모든 분들께 진심으로 고개 숙여 사과드립니다. 이번 사건으로 인해 지난 며칠간 견디기 힘든 악몽 같은 시간을 보내며 무슨 말씀을 어디부터 어떻게 드려야 할지 많이 혼란스러웠습니다. 사실 관계가 불분명한 내용들이 눈덩이처럼 커지는 상황에서, 섣부른 해명이 오히려 더 큰 오해를 만들 수 있다는 주변의 만류와 많은 고민들로 공식해명과 사과가 늦어진 점 정말 죄송스럽게 생각합니다. 이번 논란의 시작이 된 폭행 사건 당시 저는 현장에 있지 않았고, 며칠 뒤 스텝을 통해 손님과 직원 간에 쌍방폭행사건이 있었으며 경찰서에서 조사중이라는 정도로 이번 사건을 처음 알게 되었습니다. 사업장의 성격상 다툼 및 시비가 적지 않게 일어나기에 이번에도 큰 문제 없이 원만히 해결되기를 바라는 마음이었습니다. 후에 언론을 통해 당시 상황이 담긴 영상을 처음 보게 되었고, 저 역시 큰 충격을 받았습니다. 어떠한 경우에도 폭력은 정당화될 수 없고, 이번 일로 상처를 받으신 피해자 분께는 이 글을 빌어 진심으로 사죄의 말씀드리며. 하루빨리 심신의 상처가 아물길 바라겠습니다. 제가 처음 클럽에 관여하게 된 계기는, 빅뱅의 활동이 잠시 중단되고 솔로 활동을 시작하게 되면서, 솔로 활동 외의 시간을 이용해 언제든 마음놓고 음악을 틀 수 있는 장소에서, 제가 해보고 싶었던 DJ 활동을 병행하고 싶다는 단순한 마음에서였습니다. 때마침 좋은 계기가 있어 홍보를 담당하는 클럽의 사내이사를 맡게 되었고, 연예인이기 때문에 대외적으로 클럽을 알리는 역할을 담당했습니다 실질적인 클럽의 경영과 운영은 제 역할이 아니었고, 처음부터 관여하지 않았기 때문에 이번 사건도 처음부터 책임있는 모습을 보여드리지 못하였던 점 깊이 반성하고 머리 숙여 사죄드립니다. 폭행사건으로 촉발된 이슈가 요즘은 마약이나 약물 관련 언론 보도들로 이어지고 있습니다. 이 부분에 있어서는 제가 이를 직접 보거나, 들어본 적도 없었던 터라 수사에 적극 협조하여 철저한 조사를 통해 진상규명과 함께 죄가 있다면 엄중한 처벌이 있었으면 하는 마음입니다. 당시 사내이사를 맡고 있었던 저도 책임질 일이 있다면 모든 책임을 지겠습니다. 이번 일을 겪으면서 유명인의 책임과 태도에 대해 다시 한번 크게 뉘우치고 깨닫게 되었습니다. 이번 일로 인해 걱정 끼쳐드린 모든 분들께 다시 한번 진심으로 사과 드리며, 더 성숙하고 사려깊은 모습 보여드릴 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 승리 이승현 배상

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  2. Seungri
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flower_road67 pts Saturday, February 2, 2019 24
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Seungri addressed the 2 'allegations' against him: him being the CEO and him knowing about the incident.

- he was in no way involved in managing BS

- he was NOT there when Kim's incident happened

- he was aware only of the both sided assault and thought it could be fixed peacefully

- he had no idea about the drug claims

- he only knew about the videos via media too

- he apologized to the victims who were hurt physically and emotionally

- he will take full responsibility for being a PR at the time

- he will cooperate completely with the fair investigation

If you STILL don't know about what happened, here it is:

- Kim's allegations about a woman being drugged and raped were false.

- this defamation against Seungri seems to have been planned by a BS ex-employee: this BS employee was violently stalking a female co-worker but the woman wasn't responding to him so he threatened her and even damaged her car. He stopped working at BS, was very angry and seeked revenge by having a deal with Kim. He gave Kim the misleading footage of the drunk girl and told him she was drugged. Screenshots of their conversation in KKT show that the ex-employee said he was going to ruin everyone's reputation who works in BS. He said he would use Seungri's name to bring attention to the issue.

- there are victim reports from various gangnam clubs, one of which accuses a BS employee as the assaulter.

UNANSWERED questions:

- were the police bribed to ignore Kim's claims?

- are BS's CEOs, as accused by Kim, sexual assaulters and in possession of GHB?

- who were the assaulters of the GHB victims?

86 (+99 / -13)

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T_Jazz17,717 pts Saturday, February 2, 2019 1
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Perfectly stated.

26 (+30 / -4)

1 more reply


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