Reddy talked about his friendship with Song Joong Ki in 'International bnt.'
In the interview, the rapper opened up about his experience on 'Show Me The Money 777,' his latest mixtape 'Stand By You,' and more. Reddy also revealed he was close friends with Song Joong Ki in middle school.
Reddy said, "I went to middle school with him, and we entered high school together but I dropped out. After dropping out, I moved to Seoul from Daejeon by myself so I lost contact with many of my Daejeon friends."
He added, "What's amazing is that Joong Ki was a friend who didn't have any interest in the entertainment industry. Studying, soccer and friends were his only interests, but I turned on the TV one day and Joong Ki was an actor."
More of Reddy's interview can be found in 'International bnt.'

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