Kwanghee named the parts he got work done on.
On the February 17 airing of JTBC's 'Cool Kids,' Yoo Jae Suk, Ahn Jung Hwan, Kim Shin Young, Kim Haon, and Kwanghee met Seoul University med students.
During the quiz time, one question asked the students to, "Pick the parts that Kwanghee did not get surgery on."
Kwanghee provided the answer, saying, "I have silicon in my forehead. I got laminate teeth. Of course, I did my nose, and also my chin. I didn't do my cheekbones though."
While looking at the skull figurine, Kwanghee said, "I saw this often at the hospital. The doctor told me, 'You can die if you make your nose too high. You'll die if you get too excessive."

Wtf, good that he's honest but why that much ps??? Makes me wonder how he looked before all that ps...
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