On the latest episode of MBC’s "Under 19",the idol audition program announced that contestant Choi Soomin had been removed from the show.

During the January 19 broadcast of the survival show, host Kim So Hyunbegan the elimination ceremony by making an unexpected announcement.
“Before I officially reveal the rankings, I have an announcement to make to all of you,” said the actress. “Idol trainee Choi Soomin of the rap team has broken the rules for idol trainees multiple times up until now. Therefore, starting today, he will no longer be able to participate in ‘Under 19.'”
The contestants’ reactions varied, with one trainee exclaiming, “Really?” while another remarked, “So it finally happened.”
Kim So Hyun continued, “The idol trainee rules that you are required to follow while participating in ‘Under 19’ are also a promise that you have made with the supporters who are cheering you on. So we hope that you will be sure to abide by these valuable rules in the future.”
The 25 contestants who survived the latest round of eliminations went on to participate in the “director collaboration mission,” in which each team put on a special collaboration performance with their celebrity director. The dance team collaborated with Super Junior’s Eunhyukthe rap team with Dynamic Duo, and the vocal team with EXID’s Solji and Crush.
Edit: MBC didn't state which rules he broke.
Couldn't have happened to a better guy. The guy was a straight up douche, whining about his knee to not have to practice the choreo but magically becomes all better when the trainer wants to see it and calling his teammates the liars when they called out his bs.
He is very selfish, they did the work he wants the praise. Karma is a biotch.
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