
Too old for Kpop?

Posted by AtiDot53 pts Saturday, January 26, 2019

These days I wonder very often if I'm to old for kpop.

(Also just want to say that english is not my native language, so I'm trully sorry for any mistakes I cam make).

You know this saying "Kpop idols are getting younger and younger and we are getting older and older". Can't say its not the true. 

I want to know if anyone in their 20s thinks sometimes the same way. I have also question for younger people later in this post. 

It's hard to not realize that "new idols" are obviously young. And its understandable of coure. But I feel like one day I opened my eyes and all new idols were 16 or 15 or even 14, even new survival shows are focusing on kids that are for excample under 19, or YG tresure box where he had very young group.

And very often I feel veird when I say "I really like this group, kids have talent, wish them the best". And why? Because I feel like more of their fans are also very young and here I am, walking with my big old adult shoes into this fandom or simple comment section. I wonder if anyone feels the same distance with commenting or talking about new groups the same way. And how younger fans feel when "older" fans are in discussion.

Also my faves are in mid 20, closer to 30 and discussions about 16 years olds are a but odd?

Now, this is something in experienced in real life. I was at the convencion. I realized there is Kpop leacture when you can talk and share opinions, so I decided to go there, because why not? Well, It was fine at first, but then someone asked question about BTS - and as we know BTS have hudge fandom. 

"Do you like BTS or not? And why?"  - girls started screaming and all kind of things and I was staying and not really saying anything. Thats when girl who was running whole think asked me this question direcly. And I answered "I'm not fan of their songs but I'm really impressed by their performences and attencion they have.". I recived propably the worst backflash in my life. Younger girls started screaming things that you can see during every stupid fan wars moments. 

Thats when it hit me "Am I too old? What did i said wrong?". I was just giving my opinion without any hate. That is when i saw that theres a lot of young very active girls, and few older - like me - just observing. 

And NO, its not only in BTS situations, you can see people fighting and saying awful in many fandoms. 

So again, what to do in that kind of situations? 

Famous words. If you haven't heard them from your mother, father, sister, brother, dog then what are you doing with your life? 

When you are in your 20s you have different priorities and that's understandable. We are not in school anymore, we are students, workers, some have families. I will say that I'm interested in Korea, kpop, groups, I watch some kdramas or vlives from time to time, look at new memes and stuff. But I'm not obsesive with many things, I also have no time for many things. I like to discuss, like to see other people opinions and share mine. But I feel like there's not many people who want to do that.

Very often when I want to discusse something with a friend/family I hear 'You are to old for this."

So when is the time when you should stop? Or should you stop? You can always read but should you participate in any different way? I don't know but It makes me feel kind of stupid. 

Especially when I see fights in any comment sections after I post opinion. 

I'm not sure if this one is about age or just about me not being very obsessed (I don't like this word but how to call it?) with idols.

There's been few controversies when I was shoked reading people comments and reactions. And I'm not talking about Korean-western people differences because they are always obviously bigger. Dating scandals, any group slips in any area, youtube views controversies - I just see a lot of hate in this and I'm wondering why are some poeple this mean? 

Every group works hard, everyone want to success, everyone wants to find love and be happy but some people are just hating on the spot for everything. 

NOW. I don't want anyone to feel offended by this article. That was my thoughts and I wish to know yours. Maybe I will feel different after reading your opinions. 

You have right to be any kind of fan you want. (Just don't spead hate and don't be toxic).

I'm just really curious what are your views on this few situations.
Do you feel weird on intimidated around younger fans?
Do you think that you can go crazy as you wish and do not care about age?
And younger fans, Do you feel veird when you talk about kpop with older fans? 
Or tell any opinions about "being too old for kpop". 

I want to also with you the best day, stay safe and warm! :)

    46 9,083 Share 55% Upvoted
    RoAnon9935549 pts Saturday, January 26, 2019 2
    Saturday, January 26, 2019

    You know with all these "you're to old" for this and that makes me want to ask the younger generations WTF us older people are allowed to do for fun. Yeah, us old people like it too, get over it. OK the newer idols are old enough to be our children/grandchildren but we're listening to the music not dating them. So we dwarf the base age adverage with our age, doesn't mean we lost our ability to communicate.

    26 (+26 / -0)

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    pink_oracle27,113 pts Saturday, January 26, 2019 0
    Saturday, January 26, 2019

    To me, that's like saying you're too old to watch a Disney movie, or read a Garfield comic. You can be too old to take these things seriously, to throw lots of money at them and invest your life in them. But enjoying music is for everyone.

    18 (+18 / -0)


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