Actress Soo Hyun (Claudia Kim) took a break from her busy promotions to visit the Maldives for her latest 'Dazed and Confused' pictorial!
During her interview, Soo Hyun was asked if she watched Korean-American Sandra Oh's 'Golden Globe' speech for winning 'Best Actress in a Drama TV Series'. She responded, "I bawled while watching it. Many other Asian-Americans watching probably did so, too. Sandra Oh is a Korean-American female actress, and the meaning of her award is groundbreaking. It's repayment for years and years spent working hard in one's place while enduring an invisible wall. It marked a new milestone. I teared up especially when I saw her parents, sitting in the rows of predominantly-White audience members. Anyone could tell that they were Korean parents."
Does Soo Hyun dream of achieving a similar milestone? "I can't dare dream such a big dream. Still, I plan to keep going without giving up. I hope to contribute in any way that I can," the actress humbly shared.
Check out Soo Hyun's 'Dazed' February issue preview cuts, below.

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