'Microsoft' compliments Song Min Ho's amazing drawing skills
Posted by yckim124764 pts Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Even 'Microsoft' is amazed by Song Min Ho's drawing skills.
On January 8, the official Twitter account for 'Microsoft Store' discovered the idol's drawing on a Microsoft Surface. In response, 'Microsoft Store' tweeted, "Wow, so talented! Who would have guessed his drawing skills were as good as his rapping skills?
Wow, so talented! Who would have guessed his drawing skills were as good as his rapping skills?
My baby is really talented and creative :,) I'm really curious to see if he would be interested in pursuing an art career maybe aside from his actual job of course
10(+12 / -2)
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the3rdtWin29 ptsTuesday, January 8, 2019 0
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
yesss Artist Song. The whole world is nothing but a canvas for him to create.
My baby is really talented and creative :,) I'm really curious to see if he would be interested in pursuing an art career maybe aside from his actual job of course
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