Kwanghee is being discharged from his mandatory military service tomorrow, December 7 at around 9 AM KST!
According to his label, "Kwanghee is currently receiving various lovecalls from variety programs, so he plans on greeting you through promotions often once he returns from the military. We ask for your abundant love and attention."
The ZE:A member enlisted as an active duty soldier back in March of 2017, and he will be greeting the press briefly on his discharge day. The first variety program Kwanghee has decided to appear on shortly after his discharge is MBC's 'Point of Omniscient Interference'! Through the program, Kwanghee plans on sharing the process of returning to regular life with his manager.
No airing date for Kwanghee's 'Point of Omniscient Interference' appearance has been announced yet.
wow, is he already done? time goes by so fast