Henry talked about the figure that inspired his K-pop career.

On November 21, Henry and Cha Eun Woo guested on JTBC's 'Give Me a Meal.' The two idols shared how they came to debut. Cha Eun Woo first revealed, "It was during a school festival. I went to the bathroom and an (agency) employee gave me his business card."
Henry got into SM Entertainment after auditioning in Canada. Henry explained, "I didn't know any Koreans at the time but I sang a Korean song." He revealed he sang the popular ballad "I Miss You" by Kim Bum Soo.
As for the reason why he auditioned to be a K-pop singer, Henry said, "There was this person who was my idol. He is Rain sunbaenim. He was so amazing and I thought to myself that I need to become like him."

Interesting choice for Henry.
While KBS is still out there performing, every time I've seen him live he seems........ well, if not 'severely depressed', more like ready to stop the endless stream of gigs and get into something else. Maybe it's just me, but even though he always gives a great rendition of songs, he always looks like he'd much rather be anywhere but on the stage......