RM's speech, delivered at the UN General Assembly in September, has appeared in various academic texts and exams in multiple locations.

On November 4th, 'Herald Corporation' reported that many classrooms around the world have been referring to BTS' speech for educational purposes. For subjects such as English, sociology, or international studies, RM's full speech for "Generation Unlimited" has been used for study materials in the general curriculum, or as exam questions in countries including Korea, the United States, Singapore, and Vietnam.

For the exam above, one high school classroom in Korea has used the speech for a reading comprehension and composition question on the midterm. For the bottom photo, a middle school classroom in Singapore has presented a group photo of BTS as a "compulsory" piece of material in light of the speech, eventually utilizing the event to inform students about the importance of individual passion and confidence.

Furthermore, one principal of a certain high school had instructed students to watch the video of the speech before coming into school the next day. In another high school in Korea, a teacher had written a part of RM's speech on the board to make sure that the students read the transcription in full, despite having to study for another exam the next day.

Who knew school and K-Pop could be so closely connected? Have any of you encountered RM's speech in your daily lives?
it is so amazing to watch these boys make history and to see them influencing the world in such a positive way. I know k-pop in general saves a lot of souls from wanting to leave this world and I wish all k-pop artists to be happy and positive themselves because we all know how cruel and hard k-pop industry can be.