BTOB's Minhyuk rumored to be enlisting in February next year

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Thats a pretty bold assumption considering how common that name is. Its like looking up a John Smith in America, there’s tons of them. So we shouldn’t go assuming this is BTOB’s Lee Minhyuk just based on this supposed list. For all we know, this Lee Minhyuk could just be a oridinary guy. Yes I t isn’t entirely out of the question that this could be BTOB Minhyuk since he is a 1990 liner and cant delay his enlistment much longer. But don’t forget, Block B’s B-Bomb is also Lee Minhyuk and also a 1990 liner so it could possibly be him as well.
These rumors have been floating around for a few weeks now, but I didn’t know this was the origin. Lee Minhyuk is an insanely common name. If that is true though, he would probably miss his movie premiere.