Incheon Girl's High School apologized for the inappropriate content in an exam.

An English exam for the senior class of Incheon Girl's High School came under fire for using the controversial issues involving Hara, ex-boyfriend Choi, and Jiyoung in a question.

On October 12, the school officially apologized for the issue on their official website. Incheon Girl's High School explained they were notified about the issue by a media outlet. They then held a meeting to investigate the matter in detail. The school stated,
"It was a question solving for the proper use of language. The teacher intended to show that mocking tone language is inappropriate. It also aimed to show that the content of the language is important, but one should also be cautious about the method of delivery.
"However, the teacher admits the question was inappropriate. We deeply apologize. It was wrong to have caused harm and discomfort to the students by using photos and actual names of the figures who are currently under police investigation.
"We are continuously receiving questions from media outlets. Around 9 am on October 12, we have officially received a request and have submitted a report to the board of education, and are waiting for their response.
"This is not only a problem of just one teacher but all teachers as a whole. Therefore, we have given a warning to all instructors. We have directed them to not use political content or socially controversial issues in problems or in lessons. We officially apologize about the issue."
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