Hating on Cute Concepts
While we acknowledge that the bubblegum pop concept isn't exactly everyone's taste, it's impossible to deny the cultural relevancy to that exact sound and style. Hating the cute concept ultimately leads to negativity and fan wars that really are not going to end up changing anyone's minds in the end.
White Washing Photos
Here's one that many fans are starting to agree on - no more whitewashing! Whether it's changing an idol's entire look and aesthetic to be aligned with a Westerner's or simply editing fan photos to make an idol appear paler encourages a colorist mentality. Encourage your favorite stars by letting them shine in their natural glory!
Over-saturation of Competition Shows
It seems like there's too many competition shows these days and not enough of the old school K-Pop variety shows. These competition shows are really pitting talent against each other when they should be working together to achieve a similar goal. If this writer sees one more 'Produce 101' season, she's going to snap!
Tropical House Songs
Now I don't necessarily agree with this one, but many fans online have indicated that they're tired of the 'tropical house' sound that many K-Pop songs tend to go for. These songs, popular around the summertime especially, feature stereotypical aspects of tropical songs like steel drums, upbeat melodies, and catchy rhythms.
Forced Aegyo
Netizens all over the world are starting to express their distaste in forced aegyo on variety shows or during showcases. The awkwardness is starting to seep into the audience! It's easy for fans to tell that an idol is very uncomfortable doing aegyo and it's about time for us to stop making them do it for personal enjoyment.
Spamming for Stanning
What started out as a supportive message from LOONA fans to help spread the word about the group's official debut, turned into a huge meme with very little garnered respect. Netizens on Twitter went as far as to say that each instance where they saw "Stan LOONA" made them want to listen to them less and less. Spamming too much just turns people off.
Fans That Won't Let Their Idols Date
I've seen it. You've seen it. Pretty much all K-Pop fans have seen the "unruly and jealous crazy fan" who won't let their bias date when the news comes out that they are seeing someone. It's normal for idols to have lives! After all, they're people too.
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