On July 19, George Pennacchio, the entertainment reporter for abc (American Broadcasting Channel), uploaded a photo of himself with sports anchor Rob Fukuzaki and eyewitness news anchor Marc Brown. Apart from the suits, another thing that the three had in common was that they were all wearing purple ties! The color purple holds a special meaning for BTS and ARMY, as member V once emphasized purple as the most everlasting shade from the rainbow.
The tweet reads, "Apparently, its #BTS Day on @ABC7. Both @abc7rob & @abc7marc also showed up wearing purple ties. Coincidence?". The reporter also tagged #BTSARMY and mentioned @BTS_twt on the post, garnering the attention of many.
Reactions from fans included captured images of Fukuzaki on the show in the tie, as well as never-ending scrolls of heart GIFs dedicated to the reporter and to the anchors. The light shade of each of their ties seems to prove that they indeed planned for this occasion!
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