Netizens are not amused at Councilman Min Kyung Wook.

June 13 was election day in Korea, where Koreans voted on government seats such as governor, city mayor, and much more. Because of recent political trends, the liberal party - the Democratic Party of Korea - almost completely swept the country, while the conservative party - the Liberty Korea Party - suffered harsh losses even in a province they've historically always won.
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As in America, the Democratic Party of Korea's color is blue, while the Liberty Korea Party is red. This means that election time is a very sensitive time even for color, and Yoo Jae Suk was made the target of conservative voters when he wore a blue hat to vote.
The photo was shared on Facebook by one netizen with the comment, "Jae Suk, the people who made you are the people of the Liberty Korea Party. I already knew your true colors, and I don't even want to see a North Korean thug's face ever again! I hope you go to the North as well."
What might have been passed off as usual election sensitivity was intensified when the post was shared by Min Kyung Wook, a Liberty Korea Party councilman. Netizens were shocked that a councilman shared such a post and fired back, "This is why the Liberty Party has fallen", "My son's school uniform is blue too. I guess I should send him to North Korea," "Why don't you try getting the nation's trust before you complain about color," and more.
The post has currently been deleted without further comment from the councilman.

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